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Performance Felt Cute Might Delete Later X explores the boundaries of perception of the self image of your own body that is stuck between real and virtual worlds. Sometimes our image gets out of control and starts to dictate its own rules. This process creates the illusion of the necessity of projecting the most enlightened features into dimension of virtual approval. 


Felt Cute Might Delete Later X is the quintessence of forms of experiencing contact with the divine in the post-Internet era. What innovations does the substance of the human soul begin to possess, being connected to the World Wide Web?

Перформанс Felt Cute Might Delete Later X исследует границы восприятия образа тела, которое застревает между реальным и виртуальным пространствами. Нередко создаваемые нами образы вырываются из-под контроля и диктуют свои правила, вслед за которыми разворачивается иллюзия необходимости транслировать наиболее одухотворенные черты

в пространстве виртуального одобрения.


Felt Cute Might Delete Later X  — квинтэссенция форм переживания контакта с божественным в эпоху

пост-интернета. Какими чертами начинает обладать субстанция человеческой души, подключенная к WWW?

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Performance Felt Cute Might Delete Later by Rima Zamzam and Maria Ivanova

Camera: Maxim Lozhkin

Editing: Evgeny Mezhibovskiy

Sound: "Felt Cute Might Delete Later" by DJ ZHID (Evgeny Mezhibovskiy)

Centre of Culture ZIL Art Exhibition "Spring of Dreams or Nightmare"

Russia, Moscow


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